Health is the intensity of functional and metabolic effectiveness of an organism at both the cellular and macro social level. In the medical field, health is generally defined as an organism's aptitude to efficiently respond to challenges and effectively restore and maintain a "state of balance," known as homeostasis.
A rising measure of the health of populations is height, which is powerfully regulated by nutrition and health care, among other set of living and quality of life matters. The lessons of human growth, its regulators and its implications are known as axiology.
Wellness is a word sometimes used to describe the psychological position of being healthy, but is most frequently used in the field of alternative medicine to describe one's state of being.
Health is the intensity of functional and metabolic effectiveness of an organism at both the cellular and macro social level. In the medical field, health is generally defined as an organism's aptitude to efficiently respond to challenges and effectively restore and maintain a "state of balance," known as homeostasis.
A rising measure of the health of populations is height, which is powerfully regulated by nutrition and health care, among other set of living and quality of life matters. The lessons of human growth, its regulators and its implications are known as axiology.
Wellness is a word sometimes used to describe the psychological position of being healthy, but is most frequently used in the field of alternative medicine to describe one's state of being.